
Kids Summer Camps

February 27, 2013

For most of us, the image of a kids summer camp is that of a tent under the stars, marshmallow roasting, and swimming in a pool or playing softball. Kids summer camps have grown into a huge industry and finding a suitable camp that is affordable may be challenging.

Searching for summer camps:

kids-summer-campsHow does one know if a child is ready to attend a summer overnight camp? If your child express an interest in going to camp or has friends heading off to a summer camp then your child may be ready. If your child displays no signs of contemplating being away from home then that may be a factor indicating that they are not ready. The duration of camps vary and for the first time camper it is probably best to select a one or two week session instead of an entire summer. Another way to judge if your child is ready is based on the child’s level of responsibility and independence. Other things to consider are the child’s attitude towards other adults and whether or not they are a picky eater.

Summer camps are a great place to help children develop their self confidence and self esteem. Camp activities are filled with a range of things such as horseback riding, mounting hiking, swimming, kayaking, and more. Creative endeavors such as painting and beadwork help kids stretch their imagination. Engaging in these activities with fellow campers helps to develop social skills and new friendships.

Post author Loren Pleet