
What is Covered California?

July 31, 2013

You may have recently viewed advertising or heard about the state health insurance exchange that is called Covered California. On October 1, open enrollment for health insurance will start but it is very confusing as to what this really means for California residents.

Green California Road Sign with Dramatic Clouds and Sky.

Covered California is the state health insurance exchange that was established under the guidance of federal health care reform laws and regulations. The intent of the exchange is to make it easy for you to select a health insurance plan and obtain financial support in the form of tax credits that can be immediately applied. The exchange will offer 4 levels of health insurance plans that are referred to as Bronze, Gold, Silver, and Platinum. However, whether you are eligible for tax credits or not you can still purchase health plans outside of the exchange.

To help you understand Covered California and the dramatic health care reform changes about to occur it is best that you consult with a licensed health insurance agent at California Health Plans. Please call 1-866-657-8222

Post author Loren Pleet